The amount of time after you reach the age of 18 before your claim is no longer be enforceable.
The amount of time is different in every State, territory, or other location.
For example, Maine and Guam abolished the Statute. Other States such as Louisiana, Arkansas, and North Carolina created temporary Windows that revived old claims for a limited period.
In other locations, the time period might be one, two, or ten or more years after you are 18.
In some locations, the period does not start until you could have discovered your injury.
Which Statute Do Boy Scouts Child Sex Abuse Survivors Use?
The Statute of the State or location in which the abuse occurred.
The law of the State or location in which you were abused controls, not where you live now.
If you were abused in more than one State location then you have a claim in each State location.
Boy Scouts Bankruptcy Statute of Limitation Discount Information
BSA Modified Fifth Plan of Reorganization (Docket No. 6443)
Trust Distribution Procedures (Exhibit A of Plan) (PDF Page 135).
Scaling Factors - Page 13 (PDF Page 148) of Trust Distribution Procedures
Statute of Limitation Scaling Info - Pages 28 and 29 (PDF Pages and 164)