BSA Bankruptcy

Filed Feb 18th, 2020


As stated in the
Boy Scouts bankruptcy plan.

Closed (1%-10%)

Grey 3 (10%-25%)

Grey 2 (30%-45%)

Grey 1 (50%-70%)

Open (100%)

What is a Statute of Limitation?

  • The amount of time after you reach the age of 18 before your claim is no longer be enforceable.
  • The amount of time is different in every State, territory, or other location.
  • For example, Maine and Guam abolished the Statute. Other States such as Louisiana, Arkansas, and North Carolina created temporary Windows that revived old claims for a limited period.
  • In other locations, the time period might be one, two, or ten or more years after you are 18.
  • In some locations, the period does not start until you could have discovered your injury.

Which Statute Do Boy Scouts Child Sex Abuse Survivors Use?

  • The Statute of the State or location in which the abuse occurred.
  • The law of the State or location in which you were abused controls, not where you live now.
  • If you were abused in more than one State location then you have a claim in each State location.

Boy Scouts Bankruptcy Statute of Limitation Discount Information

  • BSA Modified Fifth Plan of Reorganization (Docket No. 6443)
  • Trust Distribution Procedures (Exhibit A of Plan) (PDF Page 135).
  • Scaling Factors - Page 13 (PDF Page 148) of Trust Distribution Procedures
  • Statute of Limitation Scaling Info - Pages 28 and 29 (PDF Pages and 164)